WiFi analytics, the phygital knowledge of visitors

WiFi analytics, the phygital knowledge of visitors

Today, more than 80% of store visitors use their smartphone while shopping. Indeed, the mobile has become a privileged extension for customers as they hardly disconnect from their digital bubble even in-store. It is a great opportunity for brands and companies to have a better knowledge of their customers and also to enrich their database.

Let’s see how retailers can use in-store WiFi Analytics to implement better practices and boost their sales.

The limits of the currents tools

Currently, the available tools remain limited in terms of customer knowledge for various reasons. The majority of analytical tools allow a “mono-channel” knowledge of consumers such as their behaviour on the website or in-store. At the point of sale, technologies essentially allow counting the number of visitors or determining the hotspots in order to help merchandising professionals in particular. Even if screens are now available to improve the customer experience in store or to recognise the gender and age of the visitor, they can not give the exact identity as well as information about the involved visitor, especially because of the GDPR applied in Europe. Today, loyalty programs are the most likely to have an omni-channel knowledge of their customers, but it is still limited because it requires an act of purchase or a connection to a customer account. 
Cloudi-Fi has therefore developed a Guest WiFi technology that allows brands to have extensive reporting and 360 vision of their visitors. With WiFi analytics, brands can have detailed information about their visitor and its interactions, whether in-store or online, regardless of their buying behaviour.

WiFi analytics allow understanding the behaviour of customers in-store and perceiving their interests, but it can also give real-time information such as:

  • The number of visitors in a location
  • The rate of returning visitors
  • The average time spent at the location
  • The success of phygital campaigns
  • The type of customers you attract (language, age, gender…)

How does Cloudi-Fi WiFi Analytics help businesses?

  1. Promote WiFi in-store through innovative and efficient marketing operations to encourage your visitors to authenticate only once on the Guest WiFi.
  2. Through the different authentication modes and especially social media, collect the demographics and public information about your visitors. Enrich their profile as you go along with their store visits and interactions with your phygital campaigns.
  3. Analyse the success of your phygital campaigns thanks to the WiFi analytics: the most captive audience, interaction rate, impression rate…
  4. Create a unique and personalised customer experience thanks to your new adapted strategy.

Cloudi-Fi customer case: a world luxury group from the top 5

Since 2017, Cloudi-Fi is used by a dozen of brands and hundreds of stores in more than 30 countries. With the installation of the solution, the top 5 group has gained over 2 million authentification per year and have collected 30% of new identities and 27% of opt-ins. Therefore, each brand has been able to set up a marketing strategy of its own. To make life easier for the IT and marketing teams, all data is consolidated directly on the Yoox platform thanks to an API.

Our aim is to support our clients in providing a unique and better experience to their customers thanks to the data collected from the Guest WiFi. That is where the WiFi analytics plays a relevant role in providing customer insights to our clients so they can adapt their strategies and improve their services.

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